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Prescription Assistance

Voucher program available for qualifying prescriptions. 

*Written prescription or refill required. 

*Excluded: controlled substances, vitamins, supplements, hormones and gabapentin

Medical Related Travel

Round-trip gas expenses for doctor's appointments, tests, or surgeries at clinics or hospitals outside of this local area.

*Formulary used

Misc. Medical Supplies

Glucose meters & test strips, blood pressure meters, nebulizers, diabetic shoes, adult briefs, ostomy supplies, other medical supplies, walkers, canes and misc.


*Written prescription required for some items. Limitations may apply, not all items are covered or requests can be filled.

Bring up to 100 sensitive documents a month to be shredded securely and free.

*Limited to space availability

Free Shred Service
Wellness incentives...

Free incentives earned through weight-loss, A1-C control and more. 

HAPS Hustlers walking buddies group at SRH track: Mon, Wed, Thurs 5:30-6:30pm. Weather permitting

Referrals and application assistance

Referrals made to dozens of agencies, as needed as well as assistance with complicated forms and manufacturers assistance programs.


Health & Prescription Services
3207 Francis Street
Pascagoula, MS 39567

Open Monday -  Friday    

9:00am - 3:00pm

Call 228.762.0364

Fax 228.762.9796

Cash App at $donatehealth

Helping our communities for over 60 years!

The words United Way written in white on the left and on the right a blue hand holding a red figure with yellow half circles going over the top in a semicircle

Proud member agency of UWJGC since 1961

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